

See pictures

Regulated parking in the public space

In order to protect residents who are finding it increasingly difficult to park near their homes, paid parking has been introduced throughout the municipality. The resident's card allows commuters to limit their parking. Other exemption cards for paid parking are available for shopkeepers, businesses, hoteliers and staff of associations working regularly in Saint-Josse.
The Parking Department ensures that the municipal regulations are respected in the various parking zones. Stewards are present in the field and check the validity of tickets. If you encounter a problem or have a question concerning your parking, please contact one of them. They will be happy to help or assist you.
If you do not have a parking exemption card, you can pay at the meters by credit card, by text message to 4411 or via an application (Yellowbrick,...).

The payment of the fee is made on the bank account: BE 82 0971 2532 1168

Electronic payment

Payment at the parking meters can be made by credit card, by text message to 4411 or via an application (Yellowbrick,...).
When paying at the parking meter, each user encodes his or her plate number, which is recorded in the system. No paper is therefore printed and it is no longer necessary to go back to the car to put a ticket behind the windshield.
The "Start/Stop" system proposed by the smartphone or SMS applications offers the advantage of paying for the actual parking time, i.e. to the minute.


With a smartphone, you just need to send an SMS to 4411 with the code of the parking meter followed by a space and the plate number of your vehicle. The parking session ends as soon as you send an SMS to 4411 with the letter Q (transaction costs: €0.15 per SMS sent/received).


With a smartphone, download the application and log in with your customer number.
The parking session ends as soon as the counting is stopped (transaction fee: min. €0.15 per use).

Parking Zones

Green Zones, priority for residents

The green zones concern all the roads in Saint-Josse, except for the red shopping zones.
Charges apply from Monday to Saturday, from 9am to 9pm, except for holders of a resident's card or other types of exemption cards.

All types of exemption cards are valid.

Rate (max 2h)

15 minutes 0,10€
1h 1,50€/h
2h 2,50€/h

In the event of non-payment of the fee due or exceeding the maximum parking time of 2 hours, the user is deemed to have opted for the payment of a fixed fee of €25 per parking period (4h30).

Red shopping zones

The red zones are limited to shopping streets where vehicle rotation is necessary to facilitate customer access. Parking is limited in time (max. 2 hours) and is subject to a fee for all.
The hours and conditions are posted on the parking meters.
Charges apply from Monday to Saturday, from 9am to 6pm (since 01/01/2021; after 6pm, the "green zone" rate applies until 9pm).
Parking for people with reduced mobility is free but limited to a maximum of 2 hours by affixing a blue disc.

The red zones are:

  • Boulevard du Roi Albert II ;
  • Chaussée de Haecht (entre les numéros 61/81 et 64/84) ;
  • Chaussée de Louvain (entre la place Saint-Josse et la rue des Deux Tours) ;
  • Rue de Brabant ;
  • Rue Gineste ;
  • Rue Marie Popelin ;
  • Rue Royale (entre l'avenue Galilée et la rue Botanique) ;
  • Rue Saint-Lazare.

Plan zones rouges

Rate (max 2h)

15 minutes 0,10€
1h 1,50€/h
2h 2,50€/h

In the event of non-payment of the fee due or exceeding the maximum authorized parking time, the user is deemed to have opted for the payment of a flat fee of €25 per parking period (4h30).

Delivery zones

These zones are intended for loading and unloading along the entire length of the site and during the hours indicated on the sign.
Any vehicle parked in this zone without making a delivery is liable for a fee of 100€.
Systematic controls are carried out. Signage and ground markings are clearly identifiable.

Electric charging zones

Parking in the "Electric Charging Zone" is allowed free of charge as long as the user's electric vehicle is charging.
A flat fee of €50 per parking period is charged for an electric vehicle that is not charging or for a non-electric vehicle parked.
Exemption cards are not valid in the electric charging zone.

Electric charging zones (2 spaces/zone) :

  • Chaussée de Haecht 2
  • Rue des Deux-Tours 8

Electric charging areas are available in some private parking lots.

Tolerance zones

Enlargement of the tolerance zone with Schaerbeek since 01.01.2021

If you are in possession of a valid resident's card issued by the municipality of Saint-Josse and you live in one of the streets listed below, you can park in any part of the tolerance zone that is on the territory of the municipality of Schaerbeek.

In order to make this tolerance effective, an exchange of data between our 2 municipalities is necessary. If you do not wish your data to be transmitted to the other municipality, please let us know by sending an e-mail to with the following subject: "Tolerance zone Saint-Josse/Schaerbeek" and the following message: "I do not wish my personal data to be transmitted to the municipality of Schaerbeek and therefore I renounce benefiting from the parking tolerance on the territory of the other municipality".


Plan stationnement zone tolérance Schaerbeek









List of the concerned streets

Enlargement of the tolerance zone with Brussels-City since 27.02.2021

If you are in possession of a valid resident's card issued by the municipality of Saint-Josse and you live in one of the streets listed below, you can park in any part of the tolerance zone that is on the territory of Brussels-City.

Plan stationnement zone tolérance Bruxelles-ville










List of the concerned streets

Complaint concerning a fee

Your complaint e-mail must contain the following information:

  • reference of the fee
  • copy of the identity card of the person concerned
  • full name of the owner of the vehicle that received the fee
  • license plate number
  • telephone number of the person concerned
  • Attach any proof relating to the dispute (delivery slip, resident's card, proof of payment, PRM card, ...).

Parking cards

Exemption cards for paid parking

Apply for a parking card at the desk (rue Royale 284, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) or via Irisbox (Irisbox > Services > Parking cards)

Payments are made by Bancontact only (no cash or credit cards).

IRISBOX - guichet électronique

Please note that there is no longer an exemption card for vehicles over 3.5 T and for vehicles
of less than 3.5 tons of the following types (DIV categories): trailer, motor home of more than 5.5m, tow truck, crane, truck lift, agricultural equipment, motor hoe, industrial equipment, tractors, registration marks intended for "trials" beginning with "ZZ".

Resident Card

The resident card is valid for 1 year from the date of issue.
It is valid on the whole territory of Saint-Josse, except in the red zones, unless after 6 pm and before 9 am. It is also possible to obtain a "temporary resident" card, valid for 63 days. This is granted to people living in the area who need to park occasionally.
The documents required are the same as for the resident's card.

The resident card must be affixed visibly on the passenger side of the windshield.

Apply for a parking card at the desk (rue Royale 284, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) or through Irisbox (Irisbox > Services > Parking cards)

Payments can only be made by Bancontact (no cash or credit cards).

The application must contain all the following documents:

  • a mobile phone number and an e-mail address;
  • a copy (R/V) of your driving license;
  • a copy (R/V) of your identity card;
  • the copy (R/V) of the vehicle registration card from the DIV (VEHICLE PART);
  • for a leased vehicle: provide proof of the lease, which must explicitly mention the name of the applicant;
  • for company vehicles: the company's certificate stating that the applicant is the sole user (signed);
  • for a third party's vehicle, the applicant must present a copy of the insurance policy stating that he/she is the main driver of the vehicle;
  • for the person who is not a main resident, proof of payment of the tax.

Once the documents are in our possession, we will send you the :

  • amount to be paid ;
  • bank account number;
  • communication

The card will be sent to you by mail within one month of receiving the payment.

Duplicate Resident Card

Apply for a parking card at the "Parking" desk (rue Royale 284, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) or by Irisbox (Irisbox > Services > Parking cards)

Payments can only be made by Bancontact (no cash or credit cards).

The application must contain all the following documents :

  • a mobile phone number and an e-mail address;
  • a copy (R/V) of your driving license;
  • a copy (R/V) of your identity card;
  • a copy (R/V) of the vehicle registration card from the DIV (VEHICLE PART);

"Temporary" resident card

Apply for a parking card at the "Parking" desk (rue Royale 284, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) or by Irisbox (Irisbox > Services > Parking cards)

Payments can only be made by Bancontact (no cash or credit cards).

The application must contain all the following documents :

  • pre-required documents for obtaining a resident exemption card
  • proof of application (Model 2)
  • for a leased vehicle: provide a copy of the lease agreement which must explicitly state the name of the applicant

Rates for a resident card

1st card 5€
2nd card 50€
3rd card (max. 3 per household) 200€
Temporary resident card 63 days 5€
Duplicate resident card 50€

"Professional" card

Companies, non-profit organizations, self-employed persons located in Saint-Josse

The exemption card is valid for 1 year from the date of issue.
Valid on the whole territory of Saint-Josse except for the red zones.
The company appoints a single person to collect the exemption cards from the Municipality.

Apply for a parking card at the "Parking" desk (rue Royale 284, from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm) or by Irisbox (Irisbox > Services > Parking cards)

Payments can only be made by Bancontact (no cash or credit cards).

The application must contain all the following documents :

  • The company's articles of association or extracts from the Crossroads Bank of Enterprises
  • A copy of the identity card of the manager, the operator or the person in charge
  • The completed mobility form
  • The vehicle registration certificate from the DIV

Rates exemption cards for paid parking
(companies, non-profits, self-eimployed located in Saint-Josse)

From 1 to 5 cards 150€ each
From 6 to 20 cards 250€ each
From 21 to 30 cards 500€ each
Each additional card 600€

Itinerant traders

Apply for a parking card at the "Parking" desk (rue Royale 284, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm) or by Irisbox (Irisbox > Services > Parking cards)

Payments can only be made by Bancontact (no cash or credit cards).

The application must contain all of the following documents :

  • A copy of the identity card of the manager, operator or person in charge
  • Vehicle registration card from the DIV
  • Your street vendor card

Rates exemption cards for paid parking
for itinerant traders

Parking for 1 day/week 75€
Parking for 2 days/week 150€
Parking for 7 days/week 350€

Persons working on a temporary construction site

The exemption card gives the right to park for 15 days.

Apply for a parking card at the "Parking" desk (rue Royale 284, from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm) or by Irisbox (Irisbox > Services > Parking cards)

Payments can only be made by Bancontact (no cash or credit cards).

The application must contain all of the following documents :

  • Copy of the identity card (front and back)
  • Vehicle registration card from the DIV
  • Signed estimate for the work

Rate exception card for paid parking
for persons working on a temporary construction site

1 card (15 days) 50€ each

Employees of local institutions *

The exemption card is valid for 1 year from the date of issue.
*Includes employees of the Municipality, the CPAS, the local police, teaching staff of schools, nurseries
and academies working at a location on the municipal territory.

Apply for a parking card at the "Parking" desk (rue Royale 284, Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm) or via Irisbox (Irisbox > Services > Parking cards)

Payments can only be made by Bancontact (no cash or credit cards).

The application must contain all of the following documents :
  • certificate of the head of the institution or his representative
  • vehicle registration card from the DIV

Rate exemption cards for paid parking
for employees of local institutions

Exemption card 75€ each

"Visitor" Card

Visitor's cards are granted to households registered in the Population Register or in a waiting register of the municipality upon presentation of the identity card. With a maximum of 100 periods of 4h30 per household per year, the cost is 3.00€ per period. The periods are valid for one year from the date of issue.

  • Purchase of vouchers by the citizen at the municipal administration;
  • Sending of the vouchers by e-mail;
  • Activation of the vouchers by the citizen or his/her guest by SMS at a cost of €0.15 per transmission.

Apply for a parking card at the "Parking" desk (rue Royale 284, from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm) or by Irisbox (Irisbox > Services > Parking cards)

Payments can only be made by Bancontact (no cash or credit cards).

The application must contain all of the following documents :

  • a copy (R/V) of your identity card
  • the number of periods you want.

The codes will be sent to you within 3 days of receiving your payment.

Rate exemption cards for paid parking
for visiting motorists

Period of 4h30 (max 100 periods) 3€

Regional professional exemption card

The "urgent medical care" card is reserved for the following users :

"General practitioners and pediatricians providing urgent medical care", persons providing medical care and possessing an INAMI number, when they are required to provide immediate and appropriate assistance to any person whose state of health as a result of an accident or sudden illness or the sudden complication of an illness requires urgent intervention.

The "home health care provider" card is reserved for the following users :

  • Veterinarians.
  • Persons who are either affiliated with organizations recognized by COCOF, COCOM and VGC or who are certified by a professional federation of health care providers.

The "professional" card is reserved for the following users :

Natural or legal persons who can prove that they have to carry out various interventions in the Brussels-Capital Region in the exercise of their profession and who can provide proof of this to the Parking Agency;

Card issued by the FPS Social Security

Persons whose state of health reduces or limits their ability to move around can apply for a parking card for "persons with reduced mobility" (PRM).
This card authorizes you to park in reserved areas and in the Blue Zones. These parking spaces are often located near important destinations.
This application must be submitted to the FPS Social Security.

Moving, delivery

Nouvelle procédure en 2 étapes

1. Pour réserver un emplacement de stationnement lors d'un déménagement, pour une livraison, vous devez vous rendre au Secrétariat communal ou réserver par mail min.10 jours ouvrables à l'avance.

L’emplacement vous sera réservé de 7h à 21h.
Attention, aucune réservation ne sera effectuée sans paiement, les instructions de paiement seront communiquées ultérieurement par mail.

La demande peut être introduite directement au Secrétariat communal ou par mail via le bouton ci-dessous min. 10 jours ouvrables à l'avance en mentionnant les informations ci-dessous :

  • Coordonnées complètes (nom, prénom, numéro de téléphone)
  • Lieu de réservation (rue et numéro)
  • Le.s jour.s de réservation

Demander un emplacement de stationnement

Afin que le service concerné puisse vous contacter facilement, veuillez mentionner dans votre message : votre nom, prénom, numéro de téléphone (gsm), adresse et sujet de la demande. Le service vous contactera le plus rapidement possible.

2. Toute demande d’autorisation d’exécution de chantiers et déménagement doit être introduite 10 jours ouvrables avant, via la plateforme Osiris ( ou Si vous disposez d’un identifiant sur la plateforme, vous pouvez encoder la demande vous-même.
Si vous n’en disposez pas ou vous souhaitez vous faire assister pour l’encodage de la demande, vous pouvez prendre contact avec le Guichet d’assistance Osiris (par mail via ou téléphone du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 16h30 : 02 204 24 96).

Tarifs pour réserver un emplacement pour un déménagement/une livraison

Pour les particuliers 12,50€/jour
Pour les sociétés et les commerçants 62€ (1er jour) et 18,50€ (jours suivants)

s'adresser au Secrétariat communal

Occupation of the public road

If you wish to apply for the occupation of public roads to install a container, a crane or a scaffold during your renovation works, you can apply to the Roads Department of the Municipal Administration at least 7 calendar days in advance. The price of the tax, which in 2021 amounts to 1.65 €/m², is calculated per calendar day whether you are a resident or a contractor.

No parking signs (here E1 or E3 signs) can be put up by the Municipality or by your own means.
The parking ban signs are then endorsed with a fluorescent municipal sticker at least 48 hours before the day of the application.

The application must be submitted to the Public Works Department by e-mail with the following information: Name, surname, address and telephone number of the applicant (if contractor the VAT number and contact person).

  • Exact address of the desired location
  • Destination of the location (e.g. van, container, mobile crane, etc...)
  • Description of the work (one sentence)
  • Start and end date of the work (be careful, the end date is often theoretical, it is better to be optimistic and then plan an extension to avoid a tedious procedure of reimbursement)
  • Length of parking required (and/or sidewalk surface for scaffolding)
  • Specify if the parking prohibition signs are put up by the administration or by the applicant (E1 or E3 type signs)
  • The occupation of the road is subject to a tax of 1.65 €/m² per day. The rate of the tax will be doubled if it is established that partitions or fences, including possibly the awnings, exceed 4m in height.

When the amount of the payment is notified to you by e-mail, it must then be made before the effective date of the application, i.e:
1. By bank transfer: at least 7 calendar days in advance, the amount must be transferred to account no. 0910 0017 8366 (IBAN: BE07 0910 0017 8366; BIC code: GKCC BE BB), indicating the reference: "occupation publicroad./3eD/address (street and no.)".
The proof of payment (extract, copy, etc...) must be sent to and
2. By "Bancontact" or cash: min. 7 calendar days in advance directly at the desk of the Public Works Department of the municipal administration, 5th floor, Avenue de l'Astronomie 12.

s'adresser au Service Voiries

Rates for placing no parking signs

For individuals (natural person – national registration nr.)

37€ (1st day) and 18,50€ (following days)
For companies (VAT) 62€ (1st day) and 18,50€ (following days)

Placement of a pole

The request for the addition of poles must be submitted to the College of Mayor & Aldermen by post.

Rates for the placement of a pole

Pole at the expense of the applicant 200€ (1st), 150€ (2nd), 100€/piece (3rd and more).
Installation and maintenance at the expense of the signaling service free of charge

Règlements-taxes & redevances

Règlement-redevance délivrance documents administratifs


Service Stationnement & Parkings

Avenue de l'Astronomie 12
1210 Bruxelles

Service Stationnement - Cartes de stationnement

Avenue de l'Astronomie 12
1210 Bruxelles

Last modification: 03.03.2025

Saint-Josse Sint-Joost

of Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode

Av. de l’Astronomie 12-13
1210 Bruxelles
T02 220 26 11
F02 220 25 55



From Monday to Friday from 8.30am till 1pm.
Citizen Service, Civil Registration and Foreign Affairs Service
Open also on Tuesdays from 4pm till 6pm.